Gedaan met laden. U bevindt zich op: The Flemish population's prevention and sorting behaviour. Summary. Quantitative and qualitative survey 2021

The Flemish population's prevention and sorting behaviour. Summary. Quantitative and qualitative survey 2021

The aim of the research is to enable the client to acquire tools with which to encourage, convince and guide citizens to reduce their household waste through waste-prevention and sorting methods. OVAM, Fost Plus, the intermunicipal cooperative societies and local authorities are to use the survey's results to get a clearer picture of what does and does not motivate citizens to prevent waste and to sort it correctly. The analysis should enable the distillation of more targeted action covering a range of themes such as service, communication, argumentation, information channels, taking into account the different driving forces and split up according to the diversity of the population/socio-demographic profiles.
April 2022
Bedrijven, Docenten, Lokale besturen, Overheid, Scholen