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Investment efforts

Published on 8 December 2023 • Next update: November 2024
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Investment efforts of the Flemish government at 6.6 billion euros

In 2022, the investment efforts of the Flemish government amounted to almost 6.6 billion euros, compared to 3.8 billion euros in 2010 (in current prices (open definition)). That is an increase of 72%.

The investment efforts include investments in fixed assets by the Flemish government and investment contributions or subsidies to bodies outside the Flemish government. Investments in fixed assets relate to tangible and intangible capital, including land. They are shown as a balance of expenditure and revenue. Financial fixed assets (participations) are not included.

Investments in fixed assets increased from 2.5 billion euros in 2010 to 5.3 billion euros in 2022 (+112%). Their share of total investment efforts increased from 66% in 2010 to 83% in 2016, but fell again to 80% in 2022.

The investment contributions or subsidies (expenditures only) amounted to almost 1.3 billion euros in 2022. They fell from 1.3 billion euros in 2010 to almost 0.8 billion euros in 2016. From 2017, investment contributions increased again to 1.3 billion euros in the years from 2020.

Investment efforts by Flemish municipal authorities and OCMWs at 2.1 billion euros

In 2022, the joint investment efforts of municipal authorities and PCSW’s amounted to 2.1 billion euros. They increased by 10% between 2021 and 2022.

The investments of municipal authorities and PCSW’s in tangible and intangible fixed assets amounted to 1.85 billion euros in 2022. They therefore represent 88% of the total investment efforts. Investments in tangible and intangible assets increased by 11% between 2021 and 2022.

The investment contributions or subsidies from municipal authorities and PCSW’s only include expenditure. In 2022, this amounted to 259 million euros or 12% of the total investment efforts. Between 2021 and 2022, investment contributions increased by 7%.

Major differences in investment efforts at other local authorities

The investment efforts of the autonomous municipal companies (AMC) are the highest among local authorities after the municipalities and PCSW’s. In 2022 they amounted to 189 million euros. In both 2021 and 2022, investment efforts decreased compared to the previous year.

The investment efforts of the provincial authorities amounted to 125 million euros in 2022. Here too, they fell in both 2021 and 2022.

The welfare associations (PCSW associations) made investment efforts worth almost 79 million euros in 2022, compared to 135 million euros in 2021.

The investment efforts of the autonomous provincial companies (AMC) are very limited at 6 million euros in 2022 compared to other local authorities.

Investment efforts higher than 400 euros per inhabitant in 53 municipalities

The investment efforts of municipal authorities per capita vary greatly between municipalities. In 2022, this varied from -352 to 1,672 euros per capita.

In 2022, 13 municipalities had negative investment efforts, which means that investment expenditure is smaller than investment revenue (mainly sale of land and buildings).

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