Gedaan met laden. U bevindt zich op: The integration of short rotation coppice in Belgian agricultural landscapes. Guidelines and strategies for managing short rotation coppice cultures
The integration of short rotation coppice in Belgian agricultural landscapes. Guidelines and strategies for managing short rotation coppice cultures
This report builds on the report “Short Rotation Coppice in Belgium: Review on Opportunities, Barriers and Effects” and provides a complementary view on the potential of short rotation coppice to the report “Spatial trade-off analysis of short rotation coppice in Belgium:
Effects on ecosystem services and biodiversity” . These three studies were conducted as part of the AD-LIBIO-project “ADvanced Liquid BIOfuels for advanced engine concepts enabled by advanced wood breeding and catalysis”. This research and development project focuses on wood from short rotation coppice (SRC) as a feedstock for biofuel production. Besides investigating novel engineering methodologies for optimal biofuel production, the potential of short-rotation coppice in Belgium is evaluated.

Lees de publicatie
- Publicatiedatum
- December 2024
- Publicatietype
- Rapport
- Thema's
- Natuur en bos
- Auteur(s)
- Jomme Desair, Louise Vercruysse, Amaury Sonneville, Julie Callebaut, Francis Turkelboom, Marijke Steenackers
- Reeks
- Reports of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest 2024 (39)