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European seminar on the future challenges for Cultural, Youth, Sports and Media policies

Ter gelegenheid van het Belgische EU-voorzitterschap (januari 2024-juni 2024) organiseert de SARC op 3 mei 2024 een seminar over de toekomstige uitdagingen voor het Cultuur-, Jeugd-, Sport- & Mediabeleid vanuit Europees perspectief.

We hebben een beperkte groep aan gespecialiseerde deelnemers voor dit seminar via een persoonlijke mail uitgenodigd. Mocht u deze uitnodiging niet hebben ontvangen, maar wel geïnteresseerd zijn, dan kunt u ons altijd een mailtje sturen via sarc@vlaanderen.be
On the occasion of the Belgian EU Presidency (January 2024-June 2024), the SARC is organising a seminar on the future challenges for Culture, Youth, Sport & Media policy from a European perspective on 3 May 2024.

We have invited a limited group of specialised participants for this seminar via a personal e-mail. If you have not received this invitation but are interested, please feel free to send us an email at sarc@vlaanderen.be.

More information

Culture, Youth, Sports & Media are facing huge challenges at various policy levels in a volatile, uncertain and rapidly changing world and we, as SARC (the strategic advisory body for the policy domains of Culture, Youth, Sports and Media of the Government of Flanders) want to facilitate a rich discussion and debate exploring these challenges from a European perspective in order to develop proactive policies that are relevant across the different member countries/regions.


In order to fulfil this aim we have divided our seminar into two parts. For the first part, we have invited Dr. Kirsten Dunlop, CEO of the EIT Climate-KIC and member of the European Commission’s Expert Group on the Economic and Social Impact of Research and Innovation (ESIR) to contextualise our discussion with a keynote on how the Culture and Creative sectors can drive the Green Transition.


In the second part of our seminar, we have asked prof. dr. Susanne Janssen from Erasmus University Rotterdam and coordinator of the European Horizon research project INVENT, “European Inventory of Societal Values of Culture as a Basis for Inclusive Cultural Policies in the Globalizing World” to give a presentation on the results of the above study. 


Susanne will share data collected over a three year period from 14,000 respondents in nine European countries (the Netherlands, Spain, France, Denmark, Finland, Great Britain, Switzerland, Croatia, and Serbia) about Europeans’ engagement with culture in relation to societal megatrends of digitalization, globalization, Europeanization, migration, and rising inequalities. She will highlight some key findings obtained from this rich empirical material, which have also implications for cultural policy research and practice. We also would like to know what your thoughts are on how to realize a much-needed “social turn” in cultural policy making.


A panel will reflect on both imputs from our presenters and then invite the audience to contribute.


SARC Memorandum 2024-2029 (English)

For more information on the SARC, please read our translated memorandum. This memornadum contains reflections and recommendations around a number of key themes with which we hope to inspire policymakers on the eve of elections. In addition, the SARC wants to highlight the intrinsic value and importance of our sectors for crucial societal challenges and contribute to well-considered sustainable and widely supported policy choices.