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Selected projects under the CEF1 and CEF2 Transport calls

Reporting CEF 2014-2020

For the ongoing CEF projects that were selected in the CEF 2014-2020 programme the reporting requirements remain the same.

  • Every year a technical progress report needs to be submitted by March, 31. regarding progress and results of the projects during the previous year. This is called the Action Status Report (ASR).

    This report focuses on milestones, defined objectives and deliverables, but also possible delays and problems encountered, how these have been dealt with, the communication on the project,...

    The draft report needs to be send to the Flemish CEF Team at least 2 weeks before the European deadline for revision and Member state validation. This can be done by granting us access to the TENtec (in Dutch)(opens in new window) tool, that is also used for the official submission.

  • Every two years a financial report needs to be submitted to CINEA via e-mail, at latest by August, 31. The Individual Financial Statement (IFS) only requires Member State Validation for the final reporting period but the Flemish CEF team prefers to receive all financial reports to adequately follow up the projects.

    Should you prefer to submit an IFS every year, this is possible (but not obligatory). Some project promoters prefer this to optimise the financial follow up of a project or to receive more interim payments throughout the implementation of the projects. This needs to be a joint decision by the project coordinator and all project partners in case of multi-beneficiary projects.

    Furthermore, when a projects has multiple beneficiaries, the coordinator also needs to submit an additional document, the consolidated financial statement.

  • If a project partner reaches the treshold of 750.000 euros or more costs AND correspondingly claims 325.000 euros or more European cofinancing during a reporting period, the IFS needs to be complemented with an audit statement (the Certificate on the Financial Statements - CFS).

    For public entities the check can be done internally by a financial expert that is not involved in the project, so his role can be seen as independent of the Action.

    Private partners need to involve an external organisation or auditor to complete the CFS. The costs for this audit can be claimed as part of the project management.

  • After the end date of a project, beneficiaries have one year to complete and submit the final report. CINEA provides separate forms that closely correspond to the content of the ASR and IFS. For the final report the same tresholds for submitting a Certificate on the Financial Statements apply (325.000 euros co-financing and 750.000 euros total costs).

    For the final IFS tabs 4 and 5 of the Excelfile need to be completed. For the MS Certification of tab 5, the Flemish CEF Team needs to receive all necessary documents (so technical report, all IFS of all Flemish/Belgian project partners, the consolidated financial statement and audit statements where applicable) for screening two weeks before the foreseen submission to CINEA.

Reporting CEF 2021-2027

To harmonise participation in different European funding programmes and consequently make it more transparent for project promotors, the Fundin & Tender portal will be used from this financing period onwards both for the submission of project proposals as reports, but also a more continuous follow-up of milestones and deliverables.

This brings about some changes regarding the reporting requirements

  • Adjusted forms: available through the Funding & Tender portal
  • Timing of reporting: 60 days after the reporting period
  • Validation by the member state(s) is no longer required: As project promoter you are however still asked to keep you member state representatives in the loop of the progress and implementation of the Action by digitally granting access to the reports.
  • Amendments to the grant agreement can be requested to CINEA later than 3 months before the foreseen end date of the Action, since there is no longer a specific determined deadline. CINEA does have 45 days to make a decision regarding the requests.

The Flemish CEF team is available throughout to revise your document and offer support when needed.

  • For previous programme periods the reporting (Action Status report) and interim payment claims were covering one or more calendar years, with fixed deadlines in March and August for all projects. While this remains the reporting cycle for the projects of the 2014-2020 programme period, reporting for Actions under CEF 2 will be structured according to reporting periods independent from calendar years. The reporting periods start with the entry into force of the Grant Agreement. At the end of each reporting period, the beneficiary has to submit an interim payment claim.

    The default reporting period for CEF is 24 months with an interim technical report every 12 months.

    The interim technical report will not lead to a (interim pre-financing) payment. There will be some flexibility for reporting periods of less than 24 months when duly justified.

    Milestones and deliverables will also be monitored more continuously through the eGrants system.

    The deadline for all types of reporting (technical, financial or final) is 60 days after the respective reporting period.

    The report can only be submitted in English.

  • Selected projects under CEF2 will follow reporting periods that start with the entry into force of the Grant Agreement. At the end of each reporting period, the beneficiary has to submit an interim payment claim.

    The default reporting period for CEF is 24 months with an interim technical report every 12 months. The interim technical report will not lead to a (interim pre-financing) payment.

    The deadline for all types of reporting (technical, financial or final) is 60 days after the respective reporting period. The European Commission foresees a certain acceleration in this process as Member States will no longer certify the reports.

    Follow up of costs will no longer focus mainly on costs per activity but will be reported on through a division between different cost categories. Additional budgetary information per work package, reporting period and beneficiary will be collected and updated.

    The report can only be submitted in English.

  • If a project partner reaches the treshold of 325.000 euros or more European cofinancing during a reporting period, the financial reporting needs to be complemented with an audit statement (the Certificate on the Financial Statements - CFS).


Projects receiving European co-financing are required to mention this contribution in the external communication and to display a logo and disclaimer where possible.