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Flemish service vouchers - Wages and insurances of employees

How are the wages of your service-voucher employees determined and to which insurances are they entitled?

Your service-voucher employee's salary

Pay depends on the type of business you have:

Your company:The salaray:
performs service-voucher activities exclusively

shall be determined by the collective bargaining agreements concluded in joint subcommittee 322.01 (in Dutch)(opens in new window).

or performs activities besides service-voucher activitiesshall be determined by the joint committee responsible for the company’s main activity that is not a service-voucher activity
Is a public institution (municipality, Public Social Welfare Centre, etc.)corresponds to that of the contractual employees of the public institution (staff who are not civil servants).

Your service-voucher employees are insured

You are required to have work accident insurance . As a result, your employees are insured for workplace accidents or accidents on the way to or from work.

While you are not required to purchase civil liability insurance, it is recommended. You are civilly liable if the employee causes damage at the customer’s premises. You are not liable if the damage was caused by:

  • a grave error;
  • fraud (intentionally caused damage);
  • repeated minor errors.

Before your employee starts working for a customer for the first time, it’s a good idea to go over any hazards and risks while on the job together.

Safety and well-being of your employees: your obligations

As a service-voucher employer, you must:

  • ensure the safety and health of your employees in the performance of their work and avoid risks;
  • take appropriate measures to prevent risks inherent in the work (e.g. provide workwear);
  • adequately inform your employees about the most common hazards and prevention measures (for example, about the risks of cleaning products, the need to wear gloves and how to use the products safely).