Gedaan met laden. U bevindt zich op: Wave measurements at Galgeschoor: sub report 1. Analysis of velocities and waves during an intensive measuring campaign (November 2015)
Wave measurements at Galgeschoor: sub report 1. Analysis of velocities and waves during an intensive measuring campaign (November 2015)
In the framework of the planned construction of the Saeftinghedok, it is important to get more information on the possible effects of the expected increased wave climate on the protected area of Galgeschoor, with its mud flats and tidal marshes. Furthermore, the construction of the Kieldrechtsluis is finished, which can lead to increased shipping traffic to the Deurganckdok. To estimate the possible environmental effects due to this economic developments, this study was started.
This study, carried out by INBO (Research Institute for Nature and Forest), UA (University of Antwerp), NIOZ (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research) and FHR (Flanders Hydraulics Research) includes two short, intensive measurement campaigns of 4 to 6 weeks. One intensive measurement campaign is performed in 2015, before the opening of the Kieldrechtsluis, and these results are discussed in this report. Over the whole period, a long term monitoring campaign is set up, to evaluate the morphology changes of the intertidal areas. This report focuses on the wave measurements performed on the lower, middle and high part of the tidal flat. Wave measurements are analysed and compared with information of the ship traffic, obtained by AIS (Automatic Identification System) and IVS (Informatie Verwerkend Systeem).

Lees de publicatie
- Publicatiedatum
- November 2019
- Publicatietype
- Onderzoeksrapport
- Thema's
- Scheepvaart, waterwegen en zeewezen
- Auteur(s)
- G. Kolokythas, D. Meire, S. De Roo, Y. Plancke, F. Mostaert
- Reeks
- FHR reports 15_054_1