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Periodic measurement dates

In a Communication to the Government of Flanders (in Dutch)(opens in new window), the Government of Flanders outlines how the Flemish Resilience Recovery Plan will be monitored. To professionally monitor this comprehensive recovery plan, a clear governance structure and periodic measurement dates have been determined.

  • In 2021, there were three measurement dates: March 2021, September 2021 and December 2021.
  • In 2022, there were two measurement dates: June 2022 and December 2022.
  • In 2023, there was one measurement date: December 2023.

Each of these reports is placed on the agenda as a Communication to the Government of Flanders.

Governance structure

The implementation of the projects from the fully elaborated Flemish Resilience recovery plan is monitored by the Management Committee. This Management Committee consists of one advisor per Minister’s Office and the 11 members of the Board of Chairs (the 10 chairs of the management committees of the Flemish public administration and the chair of the Board of Chairs). The Management Committee prepares the Task Force and ensures optimal implementation and proper monitoring of the recovery plan. Prior to each Task Force, the monitoring report is discussed in the societal and economic recovery committees and in the climate experts panel.

The Flemish Resilience Task Force consists of the Ministers of the Government of Flanders, the chairs of the two recovery committees, the chair and vice-chair of the Social and Economic Council of Flanders (SERV), the chair of the climate experts panel and a representation from the Board of Chairs, with the chair and the Secretary-General of the Department of Finance and Budget as permanent members. Depending on the agenda, the Minister-President can judge whether it is opportune to invite any other senior civil servants.

The Task Force acts as consultative and supervisory body and monitors the implementation of the recovery plan. The Task Force meets three times a year, evaluates the monitoring and the results achieved and makes adjustments where necessary.

The administration is responsible for the practical implementation. The Board of Chairs ensures that there is sufficient coordination between the entities concerned at official level and that the necessary information is shared.

This exercise is being led officially by the department Flanders Chancellery & Foreign Office and the Department of Finance & Budget, which are joining forces in a joint project group, with representatives from the policy areas involved.