Ensuring our sport infrastructure is top class is also #vlaamseveerkracht
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Investing in infrastructure
The Government of Flanders is investing in infrastructure and major mobility works.
The aim is to create state-of-the-art infrastructure for Flanders. The Government of Flanders is increasing the investment envelope during its current term of office in order to speed up the realisation of major investment projects.
The list of investments is long. The Government of Flanders is investing among other things in:
- the construction of school buildings
- hospital infrastructure
- excellent cultural infrastructure
- sports infrastructure
- immoveable heritage
- exhibition and conference infrastructure
- youth infrastructure
- research infrastructure.
Other major investments pertain to mobility and include building new locks and raising bridges, tackling missing links and accident blackspots, and realising tram projects.
Projects in de spotlight
- Encouraging more children to cycle to school? This is only possible if we make the route from home to school safer for all pupils.
- Flemish Resilience is investing in cultural infrastructure projects, such as the KMSKA.