Student tenancy agreements
Each year, quite a few students conclude a tenancy agreement for their room or digs. The tenancy agreement establishes the rights and obligations of the tenant and the landlord. In the Flemish Region, the rules for student tenancy agreements are set out in Title 3 of the Flemish Housing Rental Decree. The present Decree applies to all student tenancy agreements concluded from 1 January 2019 for student accommodation in Flanders.
The Decree regulates the main aspects of the student tenancy agreement, such as the condition of the let property, the options for giving notice, the transfer of the tenancy agreement and sub-letting, the indexation and providing a rental guarantee.
Concluding a student tenancy agreement may give rise to a wide number of questions: which elements need to be included in the tenancy agreement? What is the term of the tenancy agreement? How are the rent and the costs and charges determined? What kind of rental guarantee is the landlord entitled to demand? Is the student allowed to terminate the tenancy agreement early? What to do in a conflict between the landlord and the student?
The brochure ‘The Flemish Housing Rental Decree for student tenancy agreements’ provides students and landlords with answers to all these questions.