Work permits – Specialised technician
Under certain conditions, a foreign specialised technician can work in Flanders. In these cases, their future employer needs to apply for a work permit for them.
Applications for employment authorisation for a specialised technician are processed promptly and on a priority basis.
Conditions for working in Flanders
Foreign nationals who come to work in Flanders must first receive permission to work. This obligation applies to everyone apart from a few well-defined categories of foreign workers.
A foreign specialised technician who does not belong to one of these well-defined categories and who therefore needs a work permit can work in Flanders if they meet the conditions below:
- The specialised technician works for a foreign employer via an employment contract.
- The specialised technician performs tasks relating to installations that are manufactured or supplied by the employer. They include:
- assembly
- putting an installation into commission
- repairs.
This does not just refer to the initial start-up, but also any maintenance and repair works that may be required.
The foreign national is not just eligible as a specialised employee of the foreign company, but also a specialised employee of any (foreign) entrepreneurs that may be responsible for the supply.
Which work permit is required?
As an employer, you apply for permission for your future employee to work. The procedure and the documents that you need will differ depending on the duration of their appointment. Are you applying for permission for the first time? Or are you renewing a permit? This makes a difference too.