Marijke Thoonen
Contact 0499 86 49 07Address
Herman Teirlinckgebouw, Havenlaan 88 bus 73
1000 Brussel
Marijke Thoonen is ecologist and researcher in the Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation team. The team provides expertise and advice with regard to monitoring, policy and management of protected nature.
The team researches and monitors the biodiversity of open ecosystems and their management. This includes the monitoring of vegetation, plants, birds and insects, their habitat use and their interaction with management.
Marijke is skilled in project development, project management, writing policy documents, on site data collection, data collection via remote sensors and is skilled in (spatial) data analysis. She is also interested in exchanging knowledge with nature managers and the general public.
Her thematic expertise lies in landscape/system assessments, heathland ecology, nature management, management of invasive plants, climate change adaptation, ecosystem services and area-oriented nature policy.
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Teams | Landscape Ecology and Nature Management |