Gedaan met laden. U bevindt zich op: Polish statistical initiatives to monitor Ukrainian refugees and cross-border studies Statistiek Vlaanderen

Polish statistical initiatives to monitor Ukrainian refugees and cross-border studies


Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Poland had a mayor influx of Ukrainian refugees. In this seminar Marek Cierpial-Wolan, director of the statistical office in Rzeszow (on the border with Ukraine) will inform us about the statistical initiatives Poland has taken to monitor the influx of the Ukrainian refugees and the living conditions and wellbeing of the refugees.

Mr. Cierpial-Wolan will also talk about the cross-border initiatives between Poland and Ukraine. In the modern world, it is extremely important that neighbouring countries establish and maintain mutual cross-border relations, as this creates favourable conditions for supporting the economic development of border regions. Due to the dynamically developing interregional cooperation, there is a great demand for information on cross-border areas. In order to meet these needs, Statistics Poland creates an information infrastructure and a coherent research system for these areas. The study of processes taking place in border regions covers various aspects of socio-economic phenomena and is multidimensional and transnational in nature. In order to implement the undertaken activities, international cooperation is developed and tightened between Polish statistics and statistics from other countries.


Marek Cierpial-Wolan, Director Statistical Office in Rzeszow and supervisor of the Guide to surveys and studies on cross-border areas.

Download the presentation by Marek Cierpial-Wolan: Challenges for official statistics in the context of inflow of refugees after Russia-Ukraine conflict escalation(PDF bestand opent in nieuw venster)

The recording of the seminar can be found on our YouTube channel(opent in nieuw venster).


Date: 18 October 2022 from 10am till 12pm

Language: English

How: Online