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H2020-MSCA-ITN: RIBES - River Flow Regulation, Fish Behaviour and Status


As a supporting partner, INBO will contribute to RIBES by offering well established experience on fish telemetry techniques ranging from Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) telemetry over radio telemetry to acoustic telemetry, the most recent state-of-the-art tracking method. The Aquatic Management Team of INBO will present seminars on these techniques and examples of practical applications for monitoring migrating fish at the 3rd Network School that will be held at the University of Ghent. The aquatic managemet team of INBO also will facilitate secondments with students by providing non-academic mentoring to the fellows recruited at the University of Ghent and at the University of Aberdeen and by assisting them with the analysis of fish habitats using telemetry data, the selection and logistics of field sites, and by offering training on environmental regulations for freshwater fish protection.
Status Running
Actual start/end date 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2024


INBO Research theme(s)

  • Water