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Camera trap monitoring of mid sized mammals south of Leuven

Badger (photo Shutterstock)
Badger (photo Shutterstock)


This project is a continuation and consolidation of previous projects in which a camera trap network was built south of Leuven: in the Meerdaal forest, the Heverlee forest and the valleys of Dijle, Laan and IJse. The network consists of more than 30 cameras that are moved monthly. In the process, all points of the network are sampled once in winter and once in summer. The camera network forms the basis for science-based monitoring of the presence, trends and distribution of mammals in these areas that are part of the new Brabantse Wouden National Park.
Status Running
Actual start/end date 01/01/2025 - 31/12/2026


INBO Research theme(s)

  • Wildlife management
  • Data & infrastructure


  • fauna
  • monitoring