About us

The Own Capital

The Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) is the Flemish research and knowledge centre for nature and its sustainable management and usage. As prominent scientific institution, the INBO works in the first instance for the Flemish authorities.

Through its Own Capital, INBO can accept research contracts that are financed externally. Within this context the Own Capital performs contracts for the Flemish and local authorities, Belspo, universities, organisations for nature management, forestry, agriculture, hunting and fisheries, etc.

Its spin-off allows INBO to receive additional funding from European Commission managed budgets. At present, EVINBO participates in projects managed under the Seventh Framework Program for Research, INTERREG and LIFE+. Such international scientific collaborations strengthen INBO's international image and allow us to extend our network. They make it possible to exchange data, develop transnational monitoring instruments and build up and share knowledge and expertise.

The poplar varieties that INBO and it's predessessors developped are commercialised throughout Europe, for both traditional forestry and short rotation wood. Young scientists often get their first work experience through one of these Own Capital projects. After that they can develop a career with the INBO, other services of the Flemish public administration or internationally. The Own Capital's staff and projects function in symbiosis with the INBO staff and policies.

Contact Info:

Hilde Eggermont  - President
Carlos Goossens - Project administrator

Herman Teirlinckgebouw
Havenlaan 88
1000 Brussels
Phone +32 2 430 26 37

>> Own Capital ("EVINBO") Projects

Registration number 0898.934.731