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Scientific support for the Flemish Ecological Defragmentation Action Program (VAPEO)

Drenthe, Nederland (Shutterstock)
Drenthe, Nederland (Shutterstock)


In 2019, the Flemish Action Program Ecological Defragmentation (VAPEO) was initiated as a collaboration between the policy domains Mobility and Public Works (MOW) and the Department of Environment (OMG). With VAPEO we connect our nature reserves where feasible and make the road and water infrastructure safer for people and animals. In the first program period 2019-2024, work was done on 15 priority projects such as the construction of ecoducts and green-bridges. A follow-up is planned for the period 2025-2030. This is a rolling programme. INBO actively participates in VAPEO's monthly official working groups. Several INBO researchers may be involved. The contribution includes advice and support on the use of ecological data, guidance and monitoring assignments and updating geographic materials. In the context of possible future cooperation agreements with the Road and Traffic administration and the Environment department, separate projects can be started, but general support can also be provided here (partly) via the broad basic support to VAPEO.
Status Running
Actual start/end date 31/12/2024 - 30/12/2030


INBO Research theme(s)

  • Protected nature
  • Nature & society