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Prioritisation of invasive plants in Wallonia (EVINBO)


The Walloon government is carrying out a prioritisation of invasive alien plants in Natura 2000 sites. The following are being developed: (1) an alert list of potentially invasive species in the Natura 2000 network (2) a survey of the most sensitive natural areas (3) an overview of control methods for the plant species on the alert list (4) an assessment of the (im)possibility of completely removing species (5) a prioritisation framework for effective implementation This builds on a set of tools co-developed by INBO (e.g. TrIAS).
Status Running
Actual start/end date 01/11/2024 - 31/12/2025


INBO Research theme(s)

  • Protected nature
  • Invasive species


  • evinbo
  • flora
  • invasives
  • natura2000
  • invasives