Research & results



BOBO+ (BOdemgeschiktheid van BOmen en struiken in Vlaanderen, Soil suitability of trees and shrubs in Flanders) is an online expert system that can generate a list of native tree and shrub species ranked according to 5 suitability classes (from very suitable to unsuitable) for every plot in Flanders for which sufficient soil map information is available.

BOBO+ is the successor of the computer programme BOBO v 1.1 [De Vos, 2000] that was launched at the beginning of 2000 and had many users, especially in parks departments.

The online BOBO+ was released in 2014 and is updated periodically. From BOBO+ one can click through to information about tree and shrub species on, and Ecopedia. It is the ideal tool for those who want to afforest a plot of land or create a wooded border with indigenous, habitat-suitable species.


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