SPRING (Strengthening Pollinator Recovery through INdicators and monitorinG)
Pan traps at 2 different altitudes (photo INBO)
SPRING* is a pilot project within the European Pollinator Initative. In June 2019, the European Commission mandated a group of top pollinator experts to develop a proposal for a European monitoring scheme. This finally led to EUPoMS**. In order to further refine this approach ahead of its final implementation within the European Nature Restoration Law, the Commission launched the SPRING pilot project in June 2021. The project has three objectives: - strengthening the taxonomic capacity regarding pollinators in Europe, - preparing the implementation of the European Pollinator Monitoring Scheme, and - the launch of this scheme in the 27 European countries. SPRING Flanders is INBO's contribution to this project with the testing of protocols at three sites in Flanders: - Site 1: ILVO trial sites + Aelmoezeneibos, Gontrode (in collaboration with ILVO and the Forest and Nature Lab, ForNaLab, UGent) - Site 2: Bourgoyen-Ossemeersen nature reserve, Ghent (in collaboration with the City of Ghent) - Site 3: Den Dotter nature reserve, Haaltert (in collaboration with Natuurpunt). Between May and September 2023, each site will be surveyed one day per month. A 500-metre transect will be laid down and covered three times, monitoring butterflies, wild bees and hoverflies respectively. 30 colour traps (pan traps) are also set up at each site, which remain operational for 6 hours. Wild bees and hoverflies from the samples are named, while the other invertebrates are grouped by species group and counted. This information is finally uploaded into the SPRING Europe portal and is also published by INBO as a GBIF dataset. * Strengthening Pollinator Recovery through INdicators and monitorinG (https://www.ufz.de/spring-pollination/) ** European Pollinator Monitoring Scheme (https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=23462107)Status | Running |
Actual start/end date | 29/04/2022 - 31/12/2024 |
- Management Team
- Estuaries
- Open science lab for biodiversity
- Organisation Support
- Wildlife Management and Invasive Species
- Species Diversity
INBO Research theme(s)
- Protected nature
- Climate
- Agriculture
- moths
- butterflies
- protection
- recovery
- hoverflies
- wild_bees
- pollination
- pollinators