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PINK - Permanente inventarisatie van Natuurreservaten aan de kust, libellen


The PINK-project 'Permanent Inventory of Nature Reserves along the Coast' was commissioned by the Agency for Nature and Forest in 2007. The project started with the aim of mapping the natural values on the coast in a more systematic way. A first phase of three years ran until 2010, (PINK I) a second phase (PINK II)from 2012-2014 and the third is scheduled from 2014-2018. In the first period, the methodology was finalized and an initial assessment was conducted. The project PINK II is a continuation of the main components but also includes a number of specific issues such as invasive species and grasshoppers. Also in the third phase, the main monitoring components are continued. This dataset contains occurrences of the Odonata, observed during PINK I and PINK II. The data is published as a sample based dataset.
Datum ter beschikking 24/01/2017
Uitgeverij Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek
Tijdelijke dekking periode 02/09/2010 - 01/09/2014
Geografische dekking Natuurreservaten aan de kust


INBO Onderzoeksdomein(en)

  • Beschermde natuur
  • Data & Infrastructuur
  • Water

Taxonomische lijst

  • libellen (Odonata)