‘Agriculture and Biodiversity’ programme

Botanically managed farmland border (photo Jeroen Mentens - Vildaphoto)
The ‘Agriculture and biodiversity’ working group has the following tasks: - contribute to the INBO's multi-annual planning around this theme - exchange about ongoing research on this theme within the various research teams, about project proposals in preparation, about interesting conferences, ... - (coordinating) the delivery of INBO responses to recommendation and policy questions - exchanging information on relevant matters from consultations with third parties (including ILVO, VLM, rural research platform, agricultural research platform and LARA) - formulating proposals to the management for priorities around this theme at INBO, and - contributing to new project proposals around this theme, both internally and externally funded.Status | Running |
Actual start/end date | 04/09/2018 - 31/12/2029 |
- Wildlife Management and Invasive Species
- Nature & Society
- Management Team
- Biometry, Methodology and Quality Assurance
- Biotope Diversity
- Forest Ecology and - Management
- Landscape Ecology and Nature Management
- Species Diversity
- Datamanagement
- Own Capital INBO
- Estuaries
- Environment and Climate
- Nature Report and Advice Coordination
- Freshwater Habitats
- Monitoring and Restoration of Aquatic Fauna
INBO Research theme(s)
- Agriculture
- Data & infrastructure
Lieve VriensBart Vandevoorde
Veronique Adriaenssens
Emma Cartuyvels
Robbe Cool
Robin Daelemans
Steven De Saeger
Jonathan De Schrijver
Kris Decleer
Jomme Desair
Rémar Erens
Maria-Rose Eves Down
Johannes Jansen
Ward Langeraert
Mieke Lateir
Pieter Lemmens
Kevin Maebe
Dieter Mortelmans
Jo Packet
Karen Puttemans
Kurt Sannen
Thomas Scheppers
Amaury Sonneville
Toon Spanhove
Geert Spanoghe
Hans Van Calster
Sylvie Van Damme
Jelle Van Den Berghe
Sanne Van Donink
Gunther Van Ryckegem
Jeroen Vanden Borre
Kristine Vander Mijnsbrugge
Louise Vercruysse
Jan Wouters
Peter Van Gossum
Marc Pollet
Myriam Dumortier
Luc De Bruyn
Bruno De Vos
Koen Devos
Peter Van Gossum